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Online Bible King James Version

GOD'S Holy Days

50 Days Of Pentecost


Holy Days Of The First And Third Biblical Months

Pentecost First And Fiftieth Days Are Holy

          The 50 Days Of Pentecost begin with the 22nd day of Abib ( the day after the sabbath - 7 days - of Unleavened Bread: Leviticus 23:11,15) and continue unto on or about 12 Sivan.   Thus, Pentecost extends from the first unto the midst of the third month and the first and fiftieth days are to be kept Holy.   On the first day the High Priest's offerings include a sheaf (a handful) of fresh cut grains to be waved before the LORD; and, on the fiftieth day the High Priest's offerings include a wave offering of two finished loaves (Leviticus 23:9-21).   Thus, the 1st day of Pentecost symbolizes the harvest underway and the 50th day symbolizes the harvest completed.

Jesus's Seven Appearances After Resurrecting

         Jesus' Reappearances:  Note that Jesus' reappearances included one on the first day of Pentecost at the Sea of Tiberias where His disciples caught 153 fish (i.e. 1st month, 50 days, 3rd month) (John 21:11).   That was "the third time" (the third Holy Day) wherein Jesus reappeared since resurrecting (i.e. the 1st and 7th days of the Week of Unleavened Bread and the 1st day of Pentecost) (John 21:14).   At Tiberias Jesus fed His disciples with the Word of GOD.   Here Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love Me?" three times and Peter (who had denied Jesus thrice) obviously lied as he affirmed that he, Peter, loved Jesus.   Each time Jesus instructed Peter to "feed My sheep,"  "follow thou Me," etc. (John 21:1-25).   The repeated references to three refer to the three millennial days from the Birth Of Jesus which are prefigured by the 50 days of Pentecost that extend from the first unto the third month.

          Jesus Appeared Unto The Women:  When Jesus first resurrected He warned Mary Magdalene not to touch Him for He had "not yet ascended to My Father" (John 20:17).   Shortly thereafter (after ascending to the Father) Jesus appeared to other women who were then allowed to touch Him (Matthew 28:9-10).   These events are prefigured by the wave offering of a sheaf of fresh cut grain on the first day of Pentecost (Leviticus 23:10-12,15).

          Jesus' Appearance On The 50th Day Of Pentecost was upon a mountain in Galilee.   Remember, the angels at Jesus' empty sepulchre on the first day of the week of Unleavened Bread instructed the women to, "tell His (Jesus') disciples and Peter that He (Jesus) goeth before you into Galilee:  there shall ye see Him, as He saith unto you" (Mark 16:7; Matthew 28:7).   Earlier, Jesus had foretold, "But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee" (Matthew 26:32).   Again, Jesus, Himself, told the woman after He had resurrected to, "Be not afraid:  go tell My brethern that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see Me" (Matthew 28:10).   Then when Jesus met with His disciples on the mount in Galilee, He again instructed them, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations ... " (Matthew 28:16-20).

          Jesus' Appearance On The Solemn Assembly:  Matters on the 50th day of Pentecost coincide with the wave offering of the two finished loaves (Leviticus 23:16-21).   Thus, the 50th day of Pentecost occurs in the third month which prefigures the third day from the 5 BC Birth of Jesus.   And the two finished loaves represent both the Congregation and the tares as when Jesus comes for His Betrothed Wife, "every eye shall see Him ... " (Revelation 1:7).

The Southland Emerges To Form The Firstfruits, The Kingdom Of GOD

          The Significance Of Galilee is that Galilee (highlighted in Pentecost) refers directly to these End Times and to the Messiah's arrival.

          The Hebrew "Gâlîyl" (translated Galilee) means a circle as a special circuit, the same as a valve (section) of a folding door, translated folding ring.   And a folding door has two components.   Whereas, the Greek "Galilaea," of Hebrew origin, means "a heathen circle."   (See John Strong's Concordance, Heb. #1550, #1551, #1556; GK. #1056).   And Kadesh of Galilee was a city of refuge from this unrighteous (heathen) world.

          The Sea Of Galilee, called Sea of Tiberias, in olden times was called the Sea of Gennesaret (Gk.) and the Sea of Chinnereth (Kinnereth) (Heb.) meaning "harp shaped" from "kinnôwr" meaning "to twang a harp."   And harp shaped (the shape of the Sea of Galilee) is similar to a folded circle.   And a folded circle has two leaves.

          The Whole Scenario (Jesus' appearances, the 153 fish, Peter's swim, Peter's denials, the description of Galilee, etc.) leads to the reign of the Seventh Kingdom over this world (Revelation 17:10-11; Micah 5:5).

Come Out Of Her My People

          The Throne Over The Seventh Kingdom is composed of two horns or powers, two kings, two families (Revelation 13:11-18; Jeremiah 33:24; Judges ch. 18; I Kings 10:14-15; II Chronicles 9:13-14; Genesis 46:26; 47:2; Exodus 12:37; Daniel 8:3; Jeremiah 33:24; Ezekiel 35:10; 37:15-22; Revelation 13:11; Isaiah ch. 36 thru ch. 39; etc.).

          The Two's And Twice's refer to both the 2,000 years from the Birth of Jesus and to the Seventh Kingdom which reigns for only a very brief interval.   It extends from the end of Isaiah and Jeremiah's 70 years (i.e. the end of 5992 from Creation) until the close of Daniel's 62nd year (i.e. the end of 6014 from Creation) when Salvation closes.   Yes, the Seventh Kingdom exists for only 22 years (as prefigured by Jeroboam's 22 year reign: I Kings 14:20; Revelation 17:10-11; 17:12-17).   Therein events prepare for the 50th day of Pentecost and the completion of the Harvest in the Third Day.

Pentecost Prefigures Events Of The First And Third Millennium

          The Harvest Is Dual:  (1) The gathering of the eternal Congregation and their new beginning on the glorious Solemn Assembly; and, (2) The harvest of the Lost, the Tares, in preparation for their two year fire and brimstone millennial death which describes the prelude to their 1,000 years of Great Tribulations before Salvation reopens for the Main Harvest of the Congregation as the eighth millennium begins.      Then 500 years later, in the midst of the eighth millennium, a Latter Harvest is brought forth from the Tares.   Yet, the Tares remain as the sand of the sea in number (Revelation 20:8).   The Congregation is promised a utopian life; whereas, the Tares are promised 1,500 more years unto the midst of the eighth millennium, 1,500 years of utter misery before their Great White Throne Judgment (Deuteronomy 28:15-68; 32:35; Isaiah 31:2; Luke 12:59; etc.).

          The Fire And Brimstone Death, the millennial death, of the Lost is prefigured by the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.   It's an horrible event lasting up to two full years until all of the Tares are residing in death.   This event heralds the Tares' separation from the bounties of GOD but the Tares will still be around throughout the remainder of the Seventh Millennium (Leviticus 26:34-35,43; Luke 17:29-30; Genesis 19:16,24; Psalm 11:6; Isaiah 34:8-15; Job 4:8-9; Revelation 14:10-11; 19:19-21; 20:5; Exodus 31:15; 35:2; II Samuel 12:18-23; Leviticus 26:34-35,43).   Thus, the fire and brimstone death of the Lost represents the completion of the harvest of the Lost, the second of the finished loaves of Pentecost.   Death in this situation represents the Tares' separation from GOD (the burning of the Tares) as their 1,000 years of Great Tribulations really get underway (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).


Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA          32932-0932
         Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com

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